Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Bling Ring

So, this weekend I went to see 'The Bling Ring.'  While it wasn't the best film I've ever seen, I think it does look at an interesting and very real part of society under a microscope.  We are all obsessed by technology and fame (myself included).  I mean, I have a blog about how to dress and present yourself well, and while I believe that is an important part of life, it all revolves around other's perceptions of you.  I do have to put in the disclaimer that fashion can actually also boost your view of yourself (which is extremely beneficial), however most of the subjective areas of style are personal opinions.  It's a vain and tough area of this world, but it's also a huge part of life in the 21st century.  I write this blog to help people better navigate this portion of their lives.  But for a different point of view, I thought 'The Bling Ring' was a creative (and sadly true) glimpse at the ugly backlash obsessing over others can have.  Plus, it makes for a great post title about rings.  So, keeping in mind my belief that there is a balance between other's ideas and your own, let's delve into some of the rings I'm loving on Polyvore right now. 


P.S. Another reason to see the movie: Emma Watson is fabulous!

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