Sunday, June 30, 2013

Fab Feature

My God this Cushnie Et Ochs jacket is amazing!  I mean, it's a peplum, a sort of blazer, a biker jacket and so much more.  Now I only wish it came in pleather.  Good pleather, that is.  Not because I wouldn't want the smooth baby-bottom quality this jacket surely has, but because of price.  Because it's real leather, this jacket (although on sale) is currently selling for $1,098 on I have to note that at the moment this page isn't working for me, so you can also find the same jacket under sale items on Polyvore.  Anyway, I know this jacket is ridiculously priced, but I think it provides a great example of how a leather jacket can be so much more.  And for any rich kids out there, have fun with this one. 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Covet or Love It

Today we had a garage sale, and sold off so many things that we don't use anymore.  In addition, we donated some big items that didn't sell.  It's always a good feeling to see something put to good use, so knowing our old cast-offs would make someone's day was priceless.  Yes, we parted with things for payment so low it was crazy, but the truth is that you can't hold on to everything forever.  Sometimes you just have to let go, and that's exactly what we did.  In the process, another thing I noticed was how little some people had to spend.  Now, I'm not rich, but growing up well-to-do, you forget the hardships some people face.  While the items above aren't the one dollar price tag I sold my old clothes for today, this post is inspired by those people who find bargains wherever they can, because they have to.  So, enjoy this edition of Covet or Love It. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Bling Ring

So, this weekend I went to see 'The Bling Ring.'  While it wasn't the best film I've ever seen, I think it does look at an interesting and very real part of society under a microscope.  We are all obsessed by technology and fame (myself included).  I mean, I have a blog about how to dress and present yourself well, and while I believe that is an important part of life, it all revolves around other's perceptions of you.  I do have to put in the disclaimer that fashion can actually also boost your view of yourself (which is extremely beneficial), however most of the subjective areas of style are personal opinions.  It's a vain and tough area of this world, but it's also a huge part of life in the 21st century.  I write this blog to help people better navigate this portion of their lives.  But for a different point of view, I thought 'The Bling Ring' was a creative (and sadly true) glimpse at the ugly backlash obsessing over others can have.  Plus, it makes for a great post title about rings.  So, keeping in mind my belief that there is a balance between other's ideas and your own, let's delve into some of the rings I'm loving on Polyvore right now. 


P.S. Another reason to see the movie: Emma Watson is fabulous!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Quote of the Day

"You can choose who you want to be the hero, but you'll just be second guessing yourself...there's just no right answer.  Our society is obsessed with finding good and finding evil, but I think we're all capable of anything."

~ Ellen Page Quotes

I just read an article ripping on Serena William's attitude and large ego.  Before that I read an article on another article, tearing apart Rihanna and the singer's malicious backlash to said article.  An hour ago I discovered about 438 viruses and errors on my computer.  Let's just say the past few hours haven't exactly restored my faith in the good qualities of humanity.  With the article criticizing Serena, I have a few issues.  First, I don't believe it's any reporter's business to be giving a parenting lesson to one of the best tennis players in history.  That's for...wait for it...her parents (and friends and other loved ones).  Secondly, a huge portion of the article was against Serena's comment on the Steubenville rape case.  But isn't that her opinion to have?  I don't think anyone should be admonished on a national level just for speaking their mind about an important issue (especially when the comment had nothing to do with the writer).  While I do see the journalist's point that celebrities feel they are entitled and don't understand what can and can't be done/ said, I disagree with the harsh way she presented her argument and the baseless "facts" she threw in to drive her digs home. 
Now there's the ranting Rihanna versus ranting journalist smack down.  First, a writer wrote a rather condescending article about the pop star, including criticism about her on-again, off-again, abusive boyfriend Chris Brown, as well as her revealing sense of style.  This was, of course, uncalled for.  But does that mean Rihanna has to retaliate with a curse-filled essay destroying the woman.  I mean, I get anger, but I also know not to write (and post/send) something while I'm boiling mad.  Which is a tip both of these women could use. 
Finally, there are the viruses.  I'm on the computer often, so of course I'm likely to encounter a few sketchy sites.  I never click on such things out of common sense.  But when a security alert comes up on my MSN screen saying I have to run the scan right away, I clicked in a panic.  Calling a family friend who's extremely tech-savvy, I realized my mistake in the nick of time and back-pedaled.  While this probably saved my computer, it taught me a huge lesson.  You can't really trust anything out there, even if it seems like its being generated by your own computer.  It's saddening to think that the world is such a crazy and untrustworthy place that I can't make it through an hour online without getting into a huge mess (whether my own or that of a celebrity).  My point?  Well to tie it back into the quote, today's events could leave a huge damper on my view of society.  But I believe that everyone has good and bad, everyone makes mistakes, and while not everyone attacks my computer with crazy bugs, everyone does deserve a second chance.  So remember to keep a level head, and just keep saying, everyone was a good person at one point in their lives.  So anyone can become a good person now. 
P.S. Do you like my essay on life?  Quite different from my regular posts, huh?
P.P.S. Bling Ring post coming soon (but in the meantime, go see the movie!)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Random Crap for the Bored Mind

Goodness, I love being random.  While posting my general articles is fun, sometimes I just need to let loose and be weird.  Not to mention I'm incredibly bored at the moment.  So, for anyone else who's finding it hard to be entertained this fine, gloomy morning (afternoon?), here's a bit of the strange to brighten your day (and maybe change your life................................................................................... but probably not).
I love MSN for a lot of reasons (it's my homepage, after all).  It gives good, concise news, and not all of it is downers.  I love the fact that there are only a few main stories up top, so I can flip through those quickly, but then I can scroll down to find more articles.  It's a great set-up depending on how much time I have.  Not to mention it brings me stuff like this. I seriously laughed forever.  FOREVER!  I wish my friends would mess up like this, just so I could post the conversation (insert mischievous face here).  For more amazing screw-ups, click here.
The Bling Ring is out and I'm so excited!  As soon as I finish up a little bit of work (which I should probably be doing now), I am definitely going to see it.  And, I have a little post inspiration coming, so get ready for a real ringer (you probably don't think I'm funny).
While probably not entertaining, this will definitely have you thinking twice about those delicious looking "handmade" foods at food chains. 
This dog is way too cooped up.
I watched the first episode of the first season and never really had time to keep watching, but now that it's a new go around, this internet series is just too funny to miss (click here to watch Burning Love).
And, tying into The Bling Ring again, this article is just so interesting about real life celebrity homes (and their all too common burglaries).
And that'll do it.  I hope you're now a little less bored than you were before (I know I am).

Friday, June 21, 2013

Trending: Sweet Leather

There's something about the juxtaposition of hard and soft that intrigues me.  Earlier this week I wore an outfit consisting of a pale pink lace skirt (vintage shop find) a plain black tank, a rough jean vest and a vintage clock necklace.  Personally, I loved the outfit, and I can't tell you how many compliments I received.  Lately, it's just those kind of hard pieces, paired over (or with) the sweetest items ever, that give an outfit quirk, intrigue, edge and, yes, style.  So, moving from denim to a more upscale way to go punk, I thought I'd share my thoughts on the mixing of leather with girly-er pieces.  The shorts above are ones I absolutely adore.  They mix classy (but tough) leather with a delicate lace pattern.  They're understated enough not to overpower an outfit, but a simple top plus mild (and perhaps vintage) accessories would compliment them perfectly (and not be an understatement in the slightest).  If you're not sure how to style this particular piece exactly right, here's a board to teach you! 

P.S. For more boards like this one, check out my Polyvore (@fabfashiondiaries)

Monday, June 17, 2013

A Quote for You're Day

"The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook."

~William James
My blogger dashboard won't let me import pictures, so for today I'll treat you to this quote which perfectly sums up my impending frustration.  I hope your day has been less stressful than mine!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day

I love my dad.  He's given me so much my whole life long, and he continues to do the same to this day.  He's taught me how to laugh, how to not care about what others may think and, yes, how to sing.  He's had my back in situations where I didn't know how to win, I only knew that I had to.  And while I can't pretend I've always won, I do know that with him by my side, I'll be alright.  Today, to show my dad I really cared, I went overboard with personal crafts, trying to imitate a little girl's handmade gift to her father (featuring yummy foods, of course).  Above you see THE PAPI BAR.  It's a gourmet milk chocolate bar from Trader Joe's, but you can just as easily do the same craft with a less expensive bar.  The gold foil was the real reason I chose this one.  Simply take off the outer wrapping, measure the bar, and create a wrapper on Publisher.  I added cute details, like custom "Nutrition" Facts and making the Ingredients his character traits.  Then just print, cut and tape the wrapper around the bar.  It probably took ten minutes, but that little effort makes all the difference. 

It's easy to make pop-up cards if you just fold small strips of paper alternating directions, almost like you were making a fan.  then just paste to your decorations and you have a 3-D card.  Apart from the food and DIY themes, I also tried to work in a myriad of puns.  Just little things to make him giggle.  For example, the goodies on the front of the card tie into sayings like "You're the Sweetest Pop," etc. 
Make a simple heart tag in word and stick it to some sweets, preferably with a pun tying them together.  This one says "You're the world's greatest POP!"
On top of a peach can I stuck a little circle of paper with a "punny" sentence referring to the types of peaches.
Honey sticks with, yes, another silly saying.
I put up a banner just to give it a little atmosphere.  It was just a printable off the internet, but it ended up looking pretty nice.  In addition, I had all of my dad's favorite old time songs playing in the background.
Using a modern plastic container I had sitting around, I filled it with some of his favorite snacks and printed the collar from online.  Then it was just a matter of cutting, folding and taping.
I filled a small paper bag with some decorated drinks for him (see below) and tied it up with this tag (found on Pinterest).
Do you remember when you were a kid and you used to give your dad little coupons so he could get you to help around the house?  Well, Disney came out with a free set of those, and they were just so cute I had to print them.  Tie it up in a shiny gold bag, and dad's sure to enjoy.  After all, nostalgia beats all.
Towards the far left of the above picture, you can see the corner of a printable "Dad" book for the young ones.  Even though I may seem too old, I printed it out and filled it with funny, cute anecdotes.  It's a great way to remind your dad you're still his little girl (or boy). 
My mom and I happened to bring matching gift bags, which made the table look extra festive.  The little tie tag you can see under the bow is actually wearable!  I just attached pipe cleaners and my dad looked extra...well, adorable.  And to help with his fatherly adorkable outfit...
...I made us matching glasses (if you'll excuse the bad picture).  Overall, the gift bag was a hit, and I'm so glad I could make my wonderful dad feel special, at least for a little while.



For Mother's Day I had decorated this cake at Cakemix and I realized I never got to show it to you!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Covet or Love It

I'm a girl who loves to find beautiful pieces for almost no money.  That's not to say I never splurge, but there is a certain thrill in finding a bargain (which I detailed in my last post).  Whenever I'm on Polyvore it strikes me how wide a price range they have.  While you can easily filter the clothing to a manageable budget using their tools, it's interesting to see the expensive beside the inexpensive (and sometimes not be able to tell the difference).  On Cupcakes and Cashmere (I know, I talk about that blog way too much) there is a type of post where she picks one piece and finds one pricey and one cheap(er) version.  While it's a great post, we all have different body types, different needs and different tastes.  So, I've decided to take it up a notch with three different pieces for several occasions, all with the same, classic pattern of black and white stripes.  Here are pieces that we can covet alongside dresses that are equally cute, but affordable, so that you can love them for a long time. 
Hope you enjoy!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Seeing Double

This dress is a perfect piece for switching from casual to fancy.  Just add leather accessories and you're good to walk the town, but add sparkles and heels, and suddenly you are ready for a party.  Pair it with this sequined purse I'm dying over, or this more dressed down leather one.  Either way, you'll be on the best dressed list.

Yesterday I attempted to go vintage shopping with a few of my friends.  I say attempted because the skirt I bought wasn't legit vintage, and they didn't buy anything.  Granted, we only went to one store and didn't have much time, it was still clear how much harder vintage shopping is versus looking through regular stores.  For one, thrift stores often only have the garment in one size.  Plus, it might be stained, ripped or have some other small but important detail that caused it to be deposited in the first place.  Now, we were at a more select boutique store, so there weren't many ripped cases, but a few shirts had (minor) stains that I had a hard time imagining coming out.  Another trial of vintage shopping is the sheer fact that most of the things are old, so there is a good chance they aren't in style anymore.  The trick is finding pieces that you can bring into the modern age, but obviously tacky housecoats are never going to make it to any fashionista's closet (at least not this year).  For all these reasons, vintage stores might not be as rewarding as other, more commercial shops.  But, if you dig, it's always amazing to find the perfect piece, for a fraction of the price.  For example, yesterday wasn't such a bust in the vintage jewelry department, as I found an older, but still adorable ring, for only three dollars!  Now my friends and I are planning a new vintage adventure, this time armed with our greatest tool...patience. 
Going for serious Gothic and 80's flair, these two outfits are definitely over the top and not for everyday use.  But find the right occasion, and lace drama is perfect.  As for the outfit on the right, it could work for a casual day, but I understand it's unconventional.  I mean, I put a skirt over a dress (note: this dress is sold out), which may leave some of you hopelessly confused.  But the truth is, if you have the right lengths so that it's a seamless combination, I've never understood the normal rules of layering.  Anything is possible!

This board, which I made with my bestie, is one of my favorites.  She has a very laid back sense of style, and I think it comes through in this collab.  Aviators are her go-to sunglasses, so they were a must, and her uniform shoe (sandals) added to the beach-y vibe.  The denim vest is me (of course), as are the prim earrings (note: these earrings are sold out, but there are similar ones) and spiked white heels (only $79.99).  Overall, this board is truly a blend of both of us. 

Oh yes, I'm bringing you sparkle shorts.  Because why not?  Well, apart from the fact that you probably can't sit in these.  But that is a small problem.  Can't you see the big picture?  These are ADORABLE.  And I love an outfit where you can punch it out with bright accessories (purse, earrings) and it works perfectly.  Plus, bright teal makeup (nail polish, eyeliner) won't push this over the top, which is crazy, because it's sparkles and teal.  And it's not too much.  So yes, I'm in love.  We've made sparkles a neutral (including this top).  Also, those polka-dot sunglasses just gave me a shot of happiness.

 Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, I can't upload the last board, so you'll just have to wait for the next Seeing Double.  I know you're sad. 


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Fab Five

Goat herd by the road.
This morning, as we were driving, we happened upon a hillside full of goats chewing away the brush in preparation for the hot days of summer.  They were hired to clear the hill so no fire could catch there when the temperature turned boiling.  Ironically, it was raining at that very moment.  It's moments like these, unexpected little moments, that renew one's interest in life.  Of course, planned moments are great (I can't wait to go to the Flea Market an hour away next month), but spontaneity and little unique moments just make dreary cold days like this one a bit warmer.  So here's to a summer of surprises.

The Frappuccino bottle I'm using to make a DIY vase. 

Unplanned flowers that have popped up in my garden make for a grand surprise.
An unsuspecting biker becomes my latest muse.
Fire dancers at a close friends luau.
I hope you all have a wonderful day full of spontaneity. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Art Arena

Lately art has become more and more inspiring to me.  It commands it's own corner of my Pinterest and I love to see the many different mediums artists work with.  Seeing the change from classical pieces to the newer modern age also provides a glimpse into the ideals of society at the time.  I'll admit that I'm biased to more modern art, but it's impossible not to appreciate the sheer beauty of traditional works.  I believe art should make you think.  So, for every person, the perfect piece of art will be different because every person thinks different.  That being said, here are a few pieces that have really stood out to me. 

For more information about each piece, please go to my Pinterest @diydiaries/ The Fashion Diaries.
